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Sunday, 17 June 2012

Family of Choughs at The Lizard

I have just returned from Cornwall having spent a week down there at Marazion. I had partially timed the visit to try and capture some images of some Cornish Chough young at The Lizard. I spent many early mornings down there with Bob Sharples and met Adrian Langdon a local Cornish photographer I admire which was great. I did however think I had missed my chance due to storms and high winds on Friday and Saturday. Determined I went down early Saturday morning and although it was blowing like old billyo[old St.Ives saying] and it was fairly dark I managed some images of the whole family two adults and four young. The images are not great quality more like record shots but I was pleased to take them. More Images of the adult Choughs will be put up on the site later in the week.,


  1. Happy family and nice photo. Congratulations by portugal

  2. Good photo's Anthony

    Wish you a nice sunday, Joop

  3. Well done Anthony,super images.
    Looks like you had a fantastic week.

  4. Well at least they came out for your camera, not bad shots considering the wind. I went up there Sunday am will maybe try Monday also.

  5. Nice! Love their orange bills.

  6. Brilliant images of the Choughs, well done.

  7. Nice shots, Anthony, and good to know they are doing so well down there. Do you know if the Lizard Choughs migrated up from further south across the channel, or did some move down from here in Wales?
    My advice re: Skomer is to get there as soon in the day as you can! I was there at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, but some swine in front of me got the last ticket to the island, so I had to settle for a cruise around the island. On Wednesday, I got there at the same time and got the ninth-last ticket!
