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Sunday, 26 January 2014

Jays come back

I had not seen the pair of Jays that I had photographed for the past two years recently but a couple f weeks ago one turned up. I have subsrquently seen both. I think thois is the female who very obligingly posed for these images. It was quite dark as it was early in the morning but having upgraded from a Nikon D700 to D600 I think its low light abilities have improved slightly from the D700.


  1. Beautiful shots! Such a pretty bird.

  2. Always nice to get the Jay Anthony, very photogenic birds, but difficult to approach :-)

  3. Great shots Anthony,always a cracking bird to photograph.

  4. Great shots Tony. I use the D600 and its pretty good at low light levels although I do find the viewfinder a bit darker than the D300.
