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Saturday, 5 March 2011

Kestrel on Marazion Marsh

I captured these images of a Kestrel last Saturday on Marazion Marsh.I was quite lucky to be close to a post on the Marsh when this Kestrel who has been a regular hunter there for over 6 months landed on it on two occasions. Kestrels are one of my favourite birds that I like to photograph. I have changed the whie balance settings on a couple of the images to try and enhance the photograph but so far I am unsure which I prefer.


  1. BEAUTIFUL...good photowork.

    greetings, Joop

  2. Hi Anthony. Thanks for adding my blog, I'm just an ameteur when it comes to photographing birds but I do try to get an interesting shot if possible. Nice to find a blog that isn't just a bunch of "perfect" record shots.

  3. Wonderfull photo's!! I especially like the third and the fourth image, great color quality! Nice work!

  4. Good to see the 500mm prime is reaping rewards already for you.

  5. What a great photo of the kestrel.

    Gr Cees

  6. Amazing pics of those beautiful predators.


